A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.
The GE Voluson E10 is the top-of-the-line premium 4D OB/GYN ultrasound machine.
The GE Voluson E6 high-end 4D OB/GYN ultrasound machine.
GE Vivid 7 Cardiac Ultrasound machine. PW/CW/Color/Power Doppler. 2D/3D/4D imaging mode.
GE’s brand new VIVID E95 v203 is GE’s premier flagship cardiovascular ultrasound system.
Olympus endoscope video system is used for Endosocopy & Colonoscopy video analyzing.
PRIMUS Total body DXA bone densitometer with Fan Beam Technology.
SOREDEX has over 30 years of expertise in state-of-the-art dental imaging systems.
electroencephalogram (EEG) is used for measuring the electrical activity on brain.
Release of RADspeed fit General Radiography System With a Compact Design and Best-in-Class High Image Quality